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How to Stake Ethereum (ETH): Two Approaches

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Your money must work for you! Even if you are not into daily trading and you don’t like taking risks, there is a way to get passive income on your crypto. Ethereum staking can bring you additional rewards. It does not require you to participate in any way from the moment you submit your funds for staking until the end of the term. This is a good opportunity for those who are considering long-term investments and are ready to hold crypto no matter what.

In recent years, the cryptocurrency landscape has seen a remarkable shift with the advent of Ethereum's proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm, dubbed Ethereum 2.0. This pivotal change has opened up new opportunities for crypto enthusiasts looking to earn passive income by staking their ETH. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Ethereum staking and discuss the benefits of staking on the official platform and on DEX platforms.

What does “to stake Ethereum” mean

To fully understand the concept of staking Ethereum, it's crucial to grasp the transition from Ethereum's previous consensus algorithm, proof-of-work (PoW), to the current proof-of-stake (PoS) model. The PoS algorithm is an energy-efficient alternative to PoW, reducing the computational power required to validate and process transactions on the network. In Ethereum 2.0, the PoS system is powered by validators who stake their ETH as collateral to participate in the network's decision-making process.

What does it mean to stake Ethereum? Basically, staking Ethereum essentially means locking up a certain amount of ETH in a wallet to support the network's security, governance, and operation. In return for this commitment, validators are rewarded with newly minted ETH and transaction fees. The staking process is designed to encourage long-term investment and discourage malicious behavior, as validators stand to lose their staked ETH if they act dishonestly or fail to perform their duties.

To become a validator, you need to stake a minimum of 32 ETH. However, for those who cannot afford this amount, there are alternative options, like joining a staking pool or using a staking service. These platforms enable users to stake smaller amounts of ETH collectively and share the rewards proportionally to their contribution — just like it worked in mining pools.

As a potential Ethereum staker, you must be aware that staking involves locking up your ETH for a certain period, and you cannot access these funds until you decide to exit the staking process. The withdrawal may also take some time, as the network requires a specific number of confirmations before releasing the staked funds. This lock-up period is essential to ensure that validators remain committed to the network and maintain its stability.

Staking means locking up your ETH to support the network and its consensus algorithm. This commitment comes with rewards in the form of new ETH and transaction fees, but it also involves some risks and responsibilities.

There are two ways to start staking ETH: Ethereum Launchpad and DEXs. Later in this article, you will find out what the differences are and which option is more profitable. Also, we will discuss whether it is a good idea at all, the potential risks, and how to stake Ethereum effectively.

Is it a good idea to stake Ethereum

Deciding whether or not to stake Ethereum is a personal choice that depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy. However, staking can be an attractive option for several reasons.

Staking Ether allows you to earn passive income through newly minted ETH and transaction fees. By becoming a validator or joining a staking pool, you can generate returns on your investment without the need for active trading or day-to-day management.

By staking your ETH, you contribute to the security and stability of the Ethereum network. Your participation as a validator or a member of a staking pool helps to maintain the decentralized nature of the blockchain, which is one of the fundamental principles of cryptocurrency.

Whether you stake or not, your ETH is subject to market fluctuations anyway. If the price of Ethereum rises over time, your assets may increase in value, resulting in additional profits. The loss will be less significant if it falls, thanks to the accumulated interest.

So, by staking tokens, you earn yield, which is more profitable than just holding them in your wallet without receiving any rewards. You may ask, “What’s the catch?”. That’s a good question. If staking is so good, why don't all holders just send the tokens for staking?

Well. Despite the benefits, there are also some risks to consider.

What are the possible risks of staking Ethereum

While staking Ethereum can be an attractive way to earn passive income and support the network, it is crucial to understand the potential risks associated with the process. You can’t ignore this thinking, “Should I stake Ethereum or not?”.

First of all, staking requires you to lock up your assets for an extended period, which means you won't be able to access them for other purposes or sell them quickly if the market conditions change. For example, when you are just holding ETH, you can sell it anytime if something goes wrong. When tokens are locked for staking on the launchpad, this is impossible. However, DEXs provide more flexible options. You will learn more about this a little bit later.

Running a validator node requires a certain level of technical expertise, as you need to ensure that your node is continuously online, secure, and updated. While staking pools and services simplify the process, you should still have a basic understanding of how Ethereum's PoS system works. Validators who fail to fulfill their responsibilities or engage in malicious activities can lose a portion or all of their staked ETH as a penalty.

This risk highlights the importance of understanding the duties and expectations of validators within the Ethereum PoS system. If you join a staking pool or use a staking service, it is vital to choose a reputable provider, as their actions could also impact your staked assets.

Market volatility is still here. Although you earn passive income by staking Ethereum, the value of your staked ETH is still subject to the price fluctuations of the broader cryptocurrency market. If the price of Ethereum declines, the value of your staked assets may decrease, which could offset the gains from staking rewards.

And regulatory risks are also always here. The cryptocurrency space is subject to changing regulations that could impact Ethereum staking. It's essential to stay informed about the regulatory environment in your country and understand how it could impact your staking activities. If your assets are locked for staking and the laws are changed, you can’t do anything with that till the end of the staking period.

Also, when talking about how to stake Ether, we always mention smart contracts. They can sometimes have vulnerabilities or bugs. The Ethereum community is large and professional, and it’s continuously working to improve security, but nobody is perfect. You may have heard that once, Ethereum was already exposed to vulnerabilities, because of which a fork had to be created. Staking is a relatively new concept for Ethereum, so there is always a risk that unforeseen issues could lead to loss.

In conclusion, while Ethereum staking can offer attractive rewards, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks and challenges associated with the process. By understanding these risks and taking steps to mitigate them, such as conducting thorough research, choosing reputable staking providers, and staying informed about regulatory changes, you can make more informed decisions about whether staking Ethereum is the right choice.

Why stake Ethereum

As we've discussed the potential risks of staking Ethereum, it's essential to balance them with the reasons why many investors choose to stake their ETH. Here are some key factors that make Ethereum staking an attractive option for many crypto enthusiasts.

One of the primary motivations is the opportunity to generate passive income. Validators who stake their ETH and actively participate in the network's consensus process receive rewards in the form of newly minted ETH and transaction fees. This income stream allows stakers to earn returns on their investment without the need for active trading or constant monitoring of market trends.

As the Ethereum network issues new ETH as a reward for staking, the overall inflation rate is expected to be lower than in the previous PoW system. This reduced inflation can help preserve the value of your staked assets over time, making it an attractive option for long-term investors.

By staking Ethereum, you contribute to security, stability, and decentralization. Validators play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain and ensuring that transactions are processed efficiently. Your participation as a validator or staking pool member helps strengthen the Ethereum ecosystem and reinforces its position as the leading blockchain platform.

As Ethereum continues to evolve and expand its capabilities, the network's adoption and utility are expected to increase. By staking ETH, you are positioning yourself to benefit from this growth, as higher network usage often leads to increased demand for the underlying asset.

Ethereum has established itself as one of the leading blockchain platforms, with a robust ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and a growing community of developers and users. By staking Ethereum, you demonstrate confidence in the long-term potential of the network and its ability to deliver value and innovation in the blockchain space. You may say that this is not a benefit to you, but even a small contribution can strengthen the industry and lead to growth in the future.

In summary, ETH staking offers several benefits, including passive income generation. As already written before, to stake ETH or not depends on your investment strategy. If you are interested in long-term investment, staking would be good for you. On the other hand, if you trade a lot, locking assets will get in your way.

Best way to stake Ethereum

When it comes to staking Ethereum, there are several options available to investors. In this section, we will explore two primary ways to stake your ETH: on a decentralized exchange (DEX) and outside of a DEX. We will compare these methods and explain why staking on a DEX is often considered the better choice.

Staking on Ethereum Launchpad

Let's say you have some assets that you want to hold onto for a long time. Instead of just keeping them in your wallet, you can put them into a special kind of wallet called a staking wallet. When you do this, you become a staker. Classic staking is like putting your money into a savings account, but instead of getting your interest, you get rewarded with more assets.

To stake your ETH, you must use the dedicated Launchpad product and follow the instructions. The current APR of staking Ethereum on the official launchpad is 4.65%.

Use the direct link to Ethereum Launchpad to become a validator.

As a staker, you help to secure the network by validating transactions and creating new blocks. This means you make the network stronger and more reliable. In return for your help, you earn a reward in the form of more assets. The minimum amount of staking today is 32 ETH.

Staking on DEX

Decentralized exchanges are platforms that facilitate peer-to-peer trading of cryptocurrencies without the need for a centralized intermediary. In recent years, many DEXs have introduced Ethereum staking services, allowing users to stake their ETH directly through the platform. This option is often called “DeFi staking”.

DeFi staking is a crucial aspect of decentralized finance that operates through various blockchain-based services such as lending, insurance, and forecasting. Smart contracts serve as the backbone of DeFi projects, enabling transactions to be automatically executed based on predefined conditions.

What sets DeFi staking apart from traditional staking is that it involves third parties, such as organizations or individual users, who borrow assets from the owner at a certain interest rate. While the system is designed to ensure the accurate and efficient execution of transactions, it is still important to verify the effectiveness of individual smart contracts to avoid any vulnerabilities.

There are several reasons why users are attracted to DeFi staking. For one, it offers fast withdrawal of funds, with profits being calculated daily and available for withdrawal within 24 hours. Additionally, DeFi staking offers higher profitability than traditional staking. While it can be challenging to earn more than 5% per year through the official Ethereum launchpad, users can expect profitability of up to 100% per year or more by choosing to stake on DEX. The actual rate of profitability will depend on the chosen crypto, term, and market trends. Anyway, DEX is the best place to stake Ethereum when it comes to profitability.

As a bonus, you can get native tokens for staking. For example, on WhiteSwap, you can receive WSD, the WhiteSwap protocol governance token. So, with staking on DEX, you get a high yield and extra rewards in native tokens.

Comparing ETH staking on the launchpad and DEX


  • Ethereum Launchpad. Involves becoming a validator or joining a staking pool within the Ethereum network's proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.
  • DEX. Involves lending or providing liquidity to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols on a decentralized exchange.

Source of rewards:

  • Ethereum Launchpad. Rewards are generated from newly minted ETH, and transaction fees.
  • DEX. Rewards are sourced from lending fees, liquidity provision fees, and/or token incentives.

Lock-up Period:

  • Ethereum Launchpad. Requires a longer lock-up period, potentially extending to months or years.
  • DEX. Generally offers shorter lock-up periods or even allows for immediate liquidity without any lock-up.

Minimum deposit:

  • Ethereum Launchpad. 32 ETH.
  • DEX. Typically has lower limits or no minimum at all, varying by platform.


  • Ethereum Launchpad. Around 4.65% annual percentage yield (APY).
  • DEX. Offers a flexible APY that can reach up to 100%, influenced by the number of tokens, lock-up duration, and the specific platform's conditions.

Extra profits:

  • Ethereum Launchpad. Validators earn a portion of transaction fees.
  • DEX. DeFi stakers may receive bonus tokens, such as WSD.

Profit predictability:

  • Ethereum Launchpad. Staking rewards are more predictable and consistent, influenced by network participation and total staked ETH.
  • DEX. Rewards can vary significantly based on market demand and protocol incentives.


  • Ethereum Launchpad. There's a risk of losing staked ETH if a validator misbehaves or fails to fulfill their duties.
  • DEX. Risks include potential smart contract vulnerabilities in DeFi protocols.

Impact on the network:

  • Ethereum Launchpad. Directly contributes to the security and stability of the Ethereum network.
  • DEX. Does not directly impact the Ethereum network's stability or security.

After considering the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, it's clear that the best way to stake Ethereum is staking ETH on a DEX. This strategy offers several benefits over staking outside of it.

Start staking ETH on WhiteSwap.

How to stake ETH on WhiteSwap: step-by-step

  1. Follow the direct link to the Ethereum staking page
  2. Switch to the Ethereum network if needed
  3. Read the terms and conditions
  4. Use the page to send assets for staking

What should future investors pay attention to

As you embark on your Ethereum staking journey, it's essential to be well-prepared and make informed decisions. Here are some valuable tips for users considering staking their ETH.

Do your research

Before committing to ETH staking, make sure you have a thorough understanding of the PoS algorithm, validator responsibilities, and DEX offers. Familiarize yourself with the risks and rewards, and stay updated on Ethereum network developments to make informed decisions.

Choose the right staking method

Consider whether staking on a DEX or running your own validator node is the best option for your unique circumstances and risk tolerance. Evaluate the pros and cons of each method, and choose the one that aligns with your investment strategy and goals.

Select a reputable staking platform

If you decide to use a staking service or join a staking pool, do your due diligence and choose a reputable platform with a proven track record. Read reviews, check the platform's security measures, and ensure that they have transparent fee structures and reward distribution policies.

Diversify your risk

To mitigate the risks associated with staking Ethereum, consider diversifying your investment across multiple staking platforms or pools. This diversification can help reduce the potential impact of platform-specific issues or mismanagement.

Stay informed about regulatory changes

Keep an eye on the regulatory landscape in your jurisdiction, as changes in tax laws or other regulations could affect your staking activities and returns. Be prepared to adapt your strategy in response to evolving regulations.

Monitor your staking performance

Track the performance of your staked ETH, including rewards, penalties, and network participation. Monitoring your staking activities can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure you are maximizing your returns.

Be prepared for volatility

Remember that the value of your staked ETH is subject to market fluctuations. While staking can provide passive income, you should also be prepared for the possibility of price declines that could impact your staked assets' value.

Maintain a long-term perspective

Staking Ethereum is a long-term commitment, as your assets will be locked up for an extended period. Be prepared to maintain this commitment and consider the long-term potential of the Ethereum network when making your investment decisions. If you are looking for faster ways to get crypto profits, consider trading.

As with any investment, it's crucial to approach staking with a well-researched strategy, a focus on security, and an understanding of the potential risks and rewards.

Conclusion: how to stake ETH

Staking the second-largest cryptocurrency provides an exciting opportunity to earn passive income, support the network's security and stability, and participate in the growth of the Ethereum ecosystem. Throughout this article, we have explored various aspects of staking, including its meaning, benefits, risks, and different staking methods.

Now you know how to stake Ethereum. Choosing the right staking method, such as staking on a DEX or outside of a DEX, depends on your risk tolerance, investment goals, and estimates. By following the tips we've provided, you can make more informed decisions and set yourself up for success!

Stake Ethereum on WhiteSwap — the best place to stake Ethereum Stake Ethereum on the official Launchpad

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