Your DEX. Your Rules.
Exchange with simple DeFi tools
Enjoy a large selection of instruments for avid crypto users

Find tokens and coins at the best price in the market

What is a WSD governance token?
- It’s the governance token of WhiteSwap, which you can hold just like any other asset.
- WSD allows you to co-own the platform and participate in its development.
- You can stake WSD on WhiteSwap and earn some %.
Read more about the token in our Gitbook

Features and tools
For traders:
Buy cryptocurrency without creating an account and passing KYC. We don’t store user funds on the exchange or control transactions. All operations are carried out with smart contracts.
For blockchain projects and token owners:
- List your token on the WhiteSwap exchange
- Create liquidity pools and attract investments
- Form your community with the help of our users
Invest in liquidity pools and earn %
Profiting from transactions of other users is a great alternative to holding crypto assets.
Become a co-owner of WhiteSwap and a part of DAO
Earn on staking the governance token (WSD) and participate in the project's development.
Be faster than the market
Access the newest tokens that haven’t been listed on centralized exchanges yet.
For blockchain projects and token owners:
- List your token on the WhiteSwap exchange
- Create liquidity pools and attract investments
- Form your community with the help of our users
Our Roadmap
Q1 2024
- Bridge Polygon PoS
- Governance: Transfer WSD tokens to Polygon PoS. DAO launch
- Full DEX functionality support on the Polygon PoS
01Q2 2024
- Bridge Polygon zkEVM
- Whitechain network integration
- Governance: Transfer WSD tokens to Polygon zkEVM. DAO launch
- Full DEX functionality support on the Polygon zkEVM
02Q3 + Q4 2024
- Launchpad IDO (DEX Launchpad)
- Support on the Whiteсhain network Liquidity-Mining functionality
- Whiteswap integration with WhiteWallet
Mission and philosophy of WhiteSwap

Simply create your liquidity pool using the WhiteSwap interface, define the initial price, set the liquidity reserves, and add your token to the token list.
Liquidity providers earn a 0.3% fee from every transaction facilitated with the liquidity pool. Trading fees are auto-compounding for depositors.
Create (bootstrap) your chosen liquidity pool and simply fill this form out.
Provide liquidity into one of the selected pools and then add your LP tokens into the farming pool. As for the farming rewards, users are required to claim them manually. Here’s how it works: - choose a farming pool and provide liquidity into it; - stake your LP tokens in the farming pool; - earn your farming rewards and collect fees corresponding to your share in the pool.